Part Number: SMD7T04R111Piezoelectric Ceramic disc. Silver electrodes on the same side (R configuration). Thickness mode vibration applicationPAPER WRITTEN ABOUT THIS PRODUCT ⇒ Stacked PZT Discs Generate Necessary Power for Bone Healing through Electrical Stimulation in a Composite Spinal Fusion ImplantPiezo Material: SM111Dimensions: 7mm dia. x 0.4mm thicknessResonant frequency fr: 5MHz ± 5% Electromechanical coupling coefficient Kp:≥48%Resonant impedance Zm: ≤0.5 ΩStatic capacitance Cs: 920pF±15%@ 60Hz/1VTest Condition: 23±3 °C 40~70%, Zm, Kp => Thickness mode vibration applicationCs => LCR meter at 1KHz 1VrmsApplications: Piezoelectric Ceramic disc. Silver electrodes being one on each side (S configuration). and others.
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