Part Number: SMR1206T06RRTF111Piezoelectric Ceramic Ring with Reversed Silver electrodes on the same side and Teflon coating on one side. This ring vibrates on Radial mode.Piezo Material: SM111Dimensions: OD 12 x ID 5.97 x Th 0.63mmResonant frequency fr: 121KHz ± 3KHzElectromechanical coupling coefficient Keff: ≥36% Resonant impedance Zr: 6.6Ω ±25%Static capacitance Cs: 1525pF±5%@ 60Hz/1VTest Condition: 23±3 °C 40~70%, Zm, Kp => Radial mode vibration applicationCs => LCR meter at 1KHz 1VrmsApplications: Ophthalmic Devices, Ultrasonic Sensor, Vibration Sensor, Pressure sensor, Vibration generation, Piezo expansion sensor, compression sensor and others.
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